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ADDED: Google Ads

Postby DP-NiSh » April 28th, 2006, 11:15 am

To help out with the site maintenance, I've put up Google Ads below every Forums, Topic and Index page. You *may* click on them to help us, I'm not forcing u to *please* do it since doing so wud violate the ToS of this service.

I hope u dont mind them since they're at the very bottom, if u do have any complaints regarding the size of the ads and to show text ads instead of images, ur free to let me know BY PRIV MSGING ME.

The ads that u see on top *arent* my ads, they're the ads of my forums host and I can't do anythin bout it, since they earn thru it and in return give me free hosting. My aim to benefit from these ads is to improve DeSiPokemon, I cud get a top-level domain (.com,.net, and I cud also get a paid host which wud ensure stability of the site and forums.
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