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Dragon Ball Z Characters

Talk about the popular anime and its various sagas and characters, anything from Dragonball to Dragonball Z & GT series.

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Dragon Ball Z Characters

Postby pokéfanz » December 17th, 2006, 10:17 am

Hello Friends,

I thought That some of the members here might have Problem with Dragon ball Z Characters, since There are so less no. of Posts in this section. So here am I with a Complete Guide of Dragon Ball Z Characters.......

Son Goku

When you first meet Goku in Dragonball he's about 12 years old (he tells Bulma that he's 14, but that's just because he doesn't realize that 12 comes after 11). He lived out in the mountains for as long as he could remember and was quite dumb. He couldn't even tell the difference between a male person and a female person without doing the 'pat-pat test'.

From the beginning (you probably already know this)

He was born on Planet Vegita, and is a member of the Saiyan race. The saiyans send out infants to planets with really weak populations because even one child of the race is powerful enough to conquere a weak planet when aided by the power of a full moon (they transform into giant monkeys). Goku was sent to Earth just before the Planet Vegita was destroyed by Freezer.

When on Earth he was found by an old martial arts master named Gohan. Gohan raised Goku but he was a real brat until one day he fell from a great height and hit his head. This caused him to loose his memory and forget about the mission to conquere earth that had been ingrained in him upon being sent off.

Goku always had surprising strength and when it came to martial arts, he was a genius (sort of an idiot savant!) He had a monkey tail, but other then that he seemed like a fairly normal person.

Throughout Dragon Ball goku changes a lot - he ages from his youth to an adult. He trains with the Honerable Muton Roshi (honerable my butt) with Kuririn, and participates in a number of Tenkai ichi bodukai (Strongest under the heaven tournaments). From Master Roushi he learns the Kame Hame Ha.

He gets married at the last of the tournaments in Dragonball, and it appears that he settles down and starts a new family - enjoying the peace. However this all ends when his brother Raditz shows up and refreshes his memory about his real ancenstry.

From this point on you see a number of huge changes in Goku. He eventually goes from the simple minded doaf who enjoys to play, but generally avoids fighting when not nessecary to a true saiyan warrior with emmence powers and a real desire for a good challenge. He's got a true heart and puts the safety and happyness of everyone else above his own needs, but will often put his own life in danger just to test and see how powerful the enemy really is.


Chichi is the daughter of the great Ox King. Her father was trapped on a mountain surrounded by fire and Goku put it out with a Kame Hame Ha in order to get to him for something... ah, I don't remember what now though. Anyways, because of that, Chichi got a bit of a crush on him. She was the only girl violent enough for him anyways so it worked out nicely.

She and Goku got married after competing in one of the Tenkai Ichi Bokukai's (the last one shown during the Dragon Ball Series) and after all the chaos was over, settled down together and had a son, Gohan. Chichi, fed up with Goku's recklessness and irresponsibility, ends up being pretty harsh on Gohan. She makes him study all the time because she wants him to be a scholar.

Goten is a very different story though. After Goku is killed by Cell's Self-Destruction during the Cell Games, Chichi is left all alone with Gohan. However, just before the Cell Games started, Goku and Chichi got to have some free time and got a chance to consimate their love once again ^_^;; hehehe. Anyways, Goten was the result. In an extream contrast from her attitude with Gohan, Chichi actually trains Goten herself. Pushing him and is in fact the reason he goes Super Saiyan at such an early age.


The first son of Goku and Chichi, Gohan is an extreamly large player, especially in the mid-to-later half of the Z series. After Goku is killed for the first time (while killing Raditz at the beginning of Z) Gohan is taken by Piccolo to train in preperation for the arrival of the Saiyans, Vegita and Nappa. He's really young at this point, and since Chichi has pampered him so much, he's a bit of a weeny. However his hidden potential is huge and Piccolo sees it.

He gains a lot of experience during the battles on Planet Namek while he was with Kuririn, and begins to feel more confident about himself. However he never really feels that fighting is his strong point. In preparation for the Cell Games, Goku takes Gohan into the room of Spirit and Time up on Kami's lookout and they train together for 1 year (during the time span on 1 day to the outside world). During this Goku realizes that Gohan has surpassed him in power and capabilities. The thing is that Gohan hasn't realized it yet. Goku quits in the middle of the fight with Cell and tells Gohan to take over. Everyone is shocked.

During the fight Gohan goes Super Saiyan level two, and eventually destroys Cell (but not until after his father is killed by Cell's Self Destruction feature)

After the Cell games end and peace is once again restored to the world Gohan stops his training and returns to his studies. It's over 7 years before he starts to fight again, and by that point, most all the other saiyans had surpassed him.

However!! Even later then this, Gohan is taken to Kai oh Shin's homeworld to train with the legendary Z sword. As a result of a small accident Gohan has (he breaks the sword! Dah! Kao oh shin freaks out!) Dai Kai oh Shin is Released! And he releases Gohan's full hidden potention (in exchange for a promised peak at Bulma's breasts) - making him more powerful in his normal standing form, then in Super Saiyan form (which is why you don't see older Gohan go Super Saiyan very often - he doesn't need to)


This is Goku and Chichi's 2nd son. He was born after Goku was killed during the Cell Games so he never got to even meet his father until he was almost 8 yars old. Goten is very different from Gohan, and extreamly similar to the young Goku we all knew from the original Dragonball series. He's very... simple minded, and very happy and easily confused. Goten lived at home with Chichi while Gohan went to school and studied. Chichi trained Goten while Gohan was away at classes and because of this, Goten became incredably strong without Gohan even noticing. It wasn't until Gohan was training for the Tenkai Ichi Bodukai that he discovered his little brother was in fact capable of going Super Saiyan already!! (it's an incredably funny scene too!)

Goten is really close friends with Bulma and Vegita's son Trunks. Trunks is about one year older then him, but the two get along pretty well and usually use each other as sparing partners.


Pan is barely introduced in Z. She comes in during the last 5 episodes of the series (there are 291 episodes of this series, mind you) but she plays a very large role in the following series, Dragonball GT. She is the daughter of Gohan and Videl - and thus the great-grand daughter of Goku. Like Goten and Trunks, she reaches a fairly high power level at a young age, but she doesn't go super saiyan. She does however become more powerful after she's cried. ^_^ Don't make this kid cry - you'll regret it.

Dr. Briefs

He is the father of Bulma - the first person that Goku meets in Dragon Ball. Dr Breifs is a highly skilled scientist who invents all sorts of things and founded the Capsule Corperation. His company makes this small capsules that have a button on the end that once pushed, explodes into some sort of neat and useful technological device.


The 2nd character that you meet in Dragon Ball and she manages to stick it through all the way to the end. In the beginning, Bulma is on a quest to find the Dragon Balls. She uses one of her neat little inventions - the Dragon Radar - to detect their location, and this is how she ends up finding Goku. (He had the 4 Star Dragon Ball in his possession)

She wanted the Dragon Balls so that she could wish for a boyfriend, however while on the journy with Goku to find all the DBs, she ends up meeting Yamucha - a man who just happened to want the DBs in order to wish for a girlfriend. It worked out nicely... for a while. But Yamucha was too much of a womanizer for her and she eventually left him for good.

She ends up inheriting her father's company - as well as his techi knowledge and it's because of this that she ends up going to planet Namek with Gohan and Kuririn. (She runs the Space Ship) She doesn't get to do much there, but when it's all over and everyone (except Goku) is back on Earth, she ends up taking everyone of the Nameks -And Vegita- into her house.

Vegita realizes that the reason that Goku isn't back is because he's off somewhere training so he begin's his strenuous attempts to go SSJ while staying at the CC headquarters. He has Bulma and her Father create training gadgets for him and constantly hurts them, and himself while attempting to push himself beyond him limits.

Everytime he nearly killed himself Bulma would be there by his side to nurse his wounds. No matter how much he bitched at her, and now how much she bitched back, they ended up being drawn towards each other and became involved. The two of them, however, never officiall marry. But they do end up having two children.
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Re: Dragon Ball Z Characters

Postby pokéfanz » December 17th, 2006, 10:27 am


Prince of the Saiyajins! -The Saiyan Race- He has an incredably strong pride, and feels that since he is the one of pure blood, and he should be the most powerful in the universe and should be the only one capable of becoming a legendary super saiyan. He starts out as a villian, but ends up developing into the most complex character in the entire series.

His father, his world, and all of his people were destroyed by Freezer - yet while knowing this, he still served under Freezer, and did his bidding. This was because he was smart. He realized that he wasn't powerful enough to defeat Freezer - yet - but that with each battle he grew stronger. He planned to one day defeat freezer, but it wasn't meant to be. In fact, it was Freezer who ended up killing Vegita (however Veggie was later brought back by a wish made with the DBs).

Vegita deluded himself into believe that he had infact become a super saiyan, but soon realized that he hadn't excelled that level yet. He was brought back to life just long enough to sense Goku's SSJ power level, but was then sent to earth by another wish. The thought that he had been surpassed in power by a such a low level saiyan infuriated him and pushed him to train and push himself beyond all his limits. He trains at Capsule Corp, and he trains in space. Eventually, while training on a distant asteroid he becomes so desperatly angry with himself for not being able to go SSJ, that he actually goes SSJ!

He returned to Earth afterwards, and to Bulma. They have a son and Bulma names him Trunks. At first Vegita doesn't want anything to do with the child and he sort of ignors Bulma to go off and train some more. But during the Cell Games, Vegita gets to know the older Trunks (the one that comes back in time from the future) and Trunks from the future gets a chance to know his father more. This results mostly from the fact that the two of them get stuck together in the room of Spirit and Time for a year.

Vegita ends up spending more time with Bulma when it's all over - and in fact, he ends up living with her and Trunks for the following 8 years. He raises Trunks and as a result, the present time-line Trunks has much more of an attitude then his future self did.

At a later point in the series, Vegita lets himself be charmed by the magician Babi-Dee in order to surpass the level of Super Saiyan 2 so that he could fight against Goku on an equal standing. He defeats Goku, and then sacrifices himself to save the world (unfortunetly it doesn't work, and he still ends up dead). The scene where he says goodbye to Trunks is really touching. It shows how much he had evloved as an individual and as a father. He was about to die to save everyone else - and here he was saying goodbye to his son. Very cool scene.

Image Image

The son of Vegita and Bulma. Half Saiyan and Half human. There are two incarnations of this character in Dragonball Z - the present time-line Trunks (often refered to as Chibi Trunks), and the Future Trunks (Mirai Trunks). Mirai Trunks was raised in a world where everyone was killed by the Main Made Men (Androids) except for himself and Gohan. His world was filled with desolation and destruction. He wasn't able to go Super Saiyan until his teen years, after Gohan was killed by #17 and #18.

Bulma (who is still alive) builds a time machine and Trunks uses it to go back in time to warn everyone, and to try and stop what happened in his time line from happening in the other time line. The changes he makes don't effect his timeline any, but while fighting with everyone else - and the 1 year of traingin with his father, he becomes much more powerful and is able to return to his timeline and defeat the man-made-men.

Mirai Trunks is very quiet, proper and polite. Chibi Trunks on the other hand is a bit more mouthy and definetly shows signs of his father's big-headed pride. He goes Super Saiyan by the age of 8, and is good friends with Goten. He and Goten train together a lot and eventually end up using the fusion dance technique to become Gotenks in order to fight against Majin Buu.


Bra is Vegita and Bulma's daughter. You never see her in Z, but you see her a little in Dragonball GT. She doesn't play a very large role.


Nappa was one of Vegita's assistants during the post-planet vegita era. He, Vegita and Raditz were the only Saiyans (other then Goku) who weren't killed in the destruction of Planet Veigta. He's a large, bulky idiot who has a very short-lived role near the beginning of the Z series.


If you think that Nappa is 'short lived' then Raditz is absolutely obsolete. However if it wasn't for him, Goku never would have discovered the truth about his heritidge - nor would he have ever gotten to be as powerful as he eventually gets to be. Raditz is Goku's brother, and he comes to planet Earth to see if his little brother is still alive after so many years, and to recruit him to work with Vegita, Nappa, and himself. Raditz was a REAL wuss in comparrison to Nappa and Vegita, but at the beginning of the Z series, he was a real pain for both Goku and Piccolo fighting together. Raditz was killed by Piccolo, but Goku was also killed in the blast.


The father of Goku and Raditz. He looked exactly like Goku in virtually every possible way. He was on a mission just shortly before Freezer destroyed Planet Vegita when he was cursed by one of the inhabitants of the planet for killing off so many of his people. The curse involved letting Bardock see future events, yet still be powerless to change any of it. During this time he gets to see the destruction of the Planet Vegita, and Freezer doing it. He also sees future clips of his son, Goku. He attempts to stop Freezer from destroying his homeworld but is powerless against him. Just before he is destroyed by one of Freezer's huge energy balls, he sees a future scene with his son, standing up to fight against Freezer. This all happens in the Bardock Special - not during the normal series episodes.

The Ox King


Chichi's father. He trained along side Master Gohan (the old guy that raised Goku as a child) under the supervision of Master Roshi (geez that guy must be really old!). He's huge and (in Dragonball) was considered rather powerful. Of course power like his is rather obsolete during Z, but it still demands a little respect.



Puaru is Yamucha's closest friend. She's a little flying cat with the ability to take on different forms. She can take on the form of anything she can imagine, but only for a short ammount of time.


Yamucha is one of those characters that play a big role in Dragonball, and make a somewhat large appearance during Z, however never really do anything important once you really start to get into the Z series. He's introduced pretty early on in Dragonball. In the beginning he has a real phobia against girls. They really scare him, but he desperatly wants a girlfriend. This is his motivation for trying to steal the dragon balls from Goku and Bulma. The only real problem is that everytime Bulma shows up, he freezes and becomes incapable of movement or speech. In the end, Yamucha and Bulma kind of become couple however it doesn't last past early Z. Yamucha sort of becomes a womanizer and ends up cheating on Bulma so she dumps him and ends up with Vegita.

Yamucha's best friend throughout the entire Dragonball and Z series is Puaru. They stick together no matter what. During Z they both show up quite a bit, but after the first few sagas, neither of them really participate in any of the battles, and for the most part, sort of loose any and all importance that they had during the original series.
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Re: Dragon Ball Z Characters

Postby pokéfanz » December 17th, 2006, 10:39 am


One of the few characters that played a big role in dragonball, and still managed to participate in a few of the larger battles during Z. Kururin was introduced in Z after the first search for the Dragonballs was over and Goku decided to go to Master Roshi and get some training. Goku and Kuririn were both accepted as diciples by Roshi and trained long and hard under his watchful eye (yea right) - his training was a real ***** and involved carrying these huge and incredably heavy turtle shells filled with weights on their backs while doing all of Roshi's chores. Roshi never would have accepted Goku as his diciple if it wasn't for Kuririn. Goku couldn't even tell the difference between and girl and a boy, let along find a 'hot chick' for Roshi (that just happened to be his requirment for training). Kuririn on the other hand, was perverted enough to get on Roshi's good side and he helped Goku locate Lunch and bring her back to Roshi.

Kuririn participates in pretty much all of the Tenkai Ichi Bodukais that Goku battles in, and for the first couple, he actually does pretty well and lasts to the near end. And unlike Yamucha, Kuririn doens't get completely forgotten about during the mid to later parts of Z. He actually goes to planet Namek woth Gohan and Bulma, and (while he doesn't do much good) he actually takes part in the battles against the Ginyu Tokusentai (Ginyu Force) and tries to help with the battle against Freezer.

He's extreamly short and doesn't seem to change much through the series (phisically speaking) until he settles down towards the very later end, and finally lets his hair grow out. In the beginning of the series Goku asked him why he was bald and he told him it was to clense himself as a fighter (he's buddhist) - but after he get's married to Man-made-man 18, he lets his hair grow out to please her.

He also ends up having a daughter, and chooses to stay at home with his wife (whose a lot more powerful then him anyways) and his daughter, rather then participate in any of the major battles towards the end. But he never chickens out and runs away when he's needed. He even attempts to stand up to Buu when he attacks Kami's outlook. Unfortunetly it doens't do any good and he and everyone else is turned into chocalate anyways.

Master Roshi / Kame Sennin / Turtle Master

No matter what you call him, he'll always be the same old perverted fart. The funny thing is - while most everyone seems to change at least a little (and with some, a whole lot!) during the Dragonball series, Roshi never seems to change... or age.

He was old at the beginning of Dragonball, and is old and the end, but still very much alive. Makes you wonder if this old guy is immortal or something.

Anyways, this was the legendary old martial arts master that trained the Ox King and Gohan (Goku's "grandfather" - not his son) He also ended up training Goku and Kuririn, and it was he who taught Goku the Kame Hame Ha. A move that is not only useful, but still incredably powerful all the way to the end of Z.

The thing about this guy is that he's not only powerful (or at least he is considered powerful in the beginning of Dragonball) but it's also a collosal pervert. He usually won't do you a favor unless you offer him a peak at some cute girls undies, or a nice little 'poof-poof' in her chest.

He never really participates in any of the battles during Z, but he's often seen and makes fairly frequent appearances in the series.

Kami Sama

Kami is the Japanese word for God. They sort of ignore this fact in the 'dubbed' version of the series and just pretend that it's his name. Kami is an old Namekian who escaped from his homeworld when it was in a dessolate ruin from bad enviromental stuff, and came to earth in an ancient space ship. He lives on "kami's tower" where, depending on where around it's edge you stand, you can see the entire earth.

The way it goes - when Kami got to Earth, the existing God who had watched over Earth for many many long years, was beginning to die. He was looking for a successor who could take the position and be a good guardian. Kami and Garlic both tried to get the position but it was Kami who the previous god choose. In order to take the position, he had to cleanse himself of all evil and this was how Piccolo Diamau was created. He litterally split himself into two different people.

Kami was also the one who created the dragon balls. Dragon balls are something that only the Namekians are capable of creating, and only certain types of Namekians are able to do it. When the person who created the balls dies, the dragon also dies, the balls turn into stone and are rendered useless. Later on during Z, Piccolo and Kami merge to become one being and because of this, 'kami' no longer exists. This causes the dragon balls to disapear.

Mr. Popo

Mr. Popo is the guardian and caretaker of Kami's Tower. He waters the plants, fixes food, watches over the enumerous treasures hidden there, and simply keeps Kami company. Later on, he sort of helps Dende get used to the position of Kami and takes care of the many people who come and go to the tower during the Buu sagas.



Piccolo is the offspring of Piccolo Diamau. Namekians are unisexual (no male or female, they're all just "one type") so Piccolo wasn't exactly 'born', but rather he was spit out and hatched.

While his "father" was pure evil, Piccolo was actually a very prideful being who simply hated Goku for killing his predicessor. Because he was born to kill Goku, that was simply what he did. He appeared near the end of Dragonball, but plays a very large role throughout all of Z. Unlike most of the fighters from Dragonball, he actually managed to keep up with the Saiyans and their sky-rocketing power levels during Z, and takes part in all the major battles until the ned of the series.

While on planet Namek during the Freezer saga, Piccolo merges with another namekian Naeru (or Nail/Nale), to increase his power level. This merging was more like an obsorbing of another person, rather then taking both beings and combining them into one. Piccolo took on Naeru's powers as well as his memories.

Further into the Z series, and Piccolo ends up re-combining with Kami in order to become a 'super namekian' and reach a higher level of potential in his fighting strength. By this point, it's almost completely forgotten that he was once considered a 'villian' in the series.

Gohan and Piccolo are very close since it was Piccolo who trained Gohan towards the beginning of the series. Gohan respects Piccolo and considers him a friend, and in a way, a family member. Goku respects him for his strength and honor. Kuririn is just scared of him ^_^

Piccolo Daimau

The evil half of Kami, Piccolo Daimau was created when Kami cleansed himself of all evil in order to take the posistion of god/guardian of the earth. He wreaks havock on the earth, causing lots of damage and doing generally evil things. Goku fights him, and ends up killing him in battle. However just before dying, he spit out an egg that hatched into Piccolo.


Dende is introduced when Gohan and Kuririn are on Planet Namek during the Freezer saga. He was a little kid that Gohan saved from Freezer and a few of his "henchmen" (Zarbon and Dodoria, etc.) while attempting to find the Namekian dragon balls. Kuririn and Gohan take him with them, and it seems like his only purpose in the story is to take them to the great elder namekian in order to get one of the DBs, and to have their powers charged up, but he ends up playing a much larger role and you'd expect.

While yes - it does turn out that he's a healer-type Namekian, and because of this, he heals Kuririn, Gohan, Piccolo and (unwillingly) Vegita, but even this doesn't touch on his real usefulness later on in the series. Long after Planet Namek is destroyed, everyone ends up on earth, a new planet is wished for, and all the Namekians are sent to their new planet, Goku figures out a very interesting use for the little kid.

After Piccolo and Kami merge there is no longer a god, and no longer any dragon balls. So Goku instant transfers to the new Namek and asks if anyone there is willing to come to earth and take over Kami's old position. It just so happens that Dende is available and willing so he returns to Earth after many years of absense and takes Kami's old place with Mr. Popo. He creates a new set of Dragon balls, and the series' title is retained ^_^
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Re: Dragon Ball Z Characters

Postby pokéfanz » December 17th, 2006, 10:50 am

Tenshin han

He's another one of those characters that's "really powerful!" during Dragonball, but sort of looses his 'umph' during Z.

He was originally the disciple of a very powerful assasin, and has aspirations of becoming the most powerful warrior on Earth, however after fighting against Goku during one of the Bodukai's, (he lost to Goku of course) he realized that it was Goku's pure heart that made him so powerful, and after that he decided to aspire to Goku instead and quit his assasin deal.

Tenshinhan (or Tien in the dub) is bald and has three eyes. He's always seen with Chaozu, his best friend and companion, and is most well known for all those neat little tricks/attacks that he comes up with.

While Tenshinhan rarely takes part in the major battles of later Z, his attacks are always there. You never see a big battle where no one uses his ever-popular 'solar flare' attack.

And, as surprising as it was, he actually played a useful role in the battle against imperfect Cell - creating enough time for Goku to instant transfer out of there to do other more important things.

Chaozu (Dumpling)

Chaozu (it means Dumpling in Chinese - so some subtitlers list his name as Dumpling) is the little floating friend of Tenshinhan. I heard from a source that Chaozu is supposed to be a Chinese Vampire, but I can't be sure of this so don't take my word for it.

If you're looking for strength or speed, you're looking in the wrong place in Chaozu, but if you want little flashy trick-attacks, then you'll find them here. Generally speaking, though - he doesn't play a large enough role in Z to even worry about the little squirt. He does however recieve training from Kai Oh Sama in the afterlife after he's kiled by Vegita, so I suppose he's not 'too much' of a total wimp... just rather useless


The Villian Sagas in Z go like this - Raditz (wimp) - Vegita - Freezer. Vegita ends up fighting with the 'good guys' - and in the end of Z, is a 'good guy' (kind of - but don't let him here you say it) and Raditz is just so pathetic that he doesn't even count - so I'd say that Freezer is the first Major villian in Z.

Freezer is the son of King Cold, the self proclaimed ruler of the universe. Their race is an incredably powerful one that it seems, has run the universe as if it were their own personal play ground for quite some time. Freezer was the one who destroyed Planet Vegita (by himself mind you - this guy is actually REALLY powerful if you think about it). He can survive in the vacume of space, and can transform into a total of 4 different forms (if you count his 1st base form) - each form increasing his power by a huge ammount.

In the end, even Freezer's most powerful form is no match for Goku gone Super Saiyan for the first time, and he ends up cutting himself in half with his own energy disc. (dumbass) He get's blown up in the explosion of Planet Namek, but enough of him is left when his Father shows up for him to be put back together long enough to go to Earth and get cut to tiny pieces by Mirai Trunks.

Ginyu Force (Ginyu Tokusentai!)

Freezer's personal group of warriors. The 'special forces' if you well. They are considered five of the universe's most powerful warriors. Commander Ginyu, Baata, Jeesu, Rikoom, and Gouldo. Gouldo is the first to die - Vegita cuts his head off just before he's able to squer Gohan and Kuririn with a tree trunk. Ginyu runs off to take the DBs to Freezer and the others are left to deal with Vegita, Gohan and Kurirn. Rikoom is the only one who fights them - and he does some real damage... until Goku finally shows up anyways.

Goku easily takes out Rikoom with one hit, and then he toys with the rest of them for a while. After Goku beats them up, Vegita kills Rikoom and Baata by breaking their necks. Goku lets Jeesu run away though - which ends up being a little too forgiving sinse all he does is go and get Ginyu. Goku and Ginyu have some annoying swapping for a while, but in the end Ginyu ends up in a Frogs body, and Vegita kills Jessu.

Once all this is over with, the five of them end up being invited to Kai Oh Sama's little planet in the afterlife to give his students a little challenge. As bizarre as it seems, the three students (Chaozu, Tenshinhan, and Yamucha - Piccolo sits it out) actually manage to defeat the entire Ginyu Tokusentai.

King Cold

Freezer's father. You don't really see all that much of this guy in the series. All you get to know before Trunks blows him up, is that he's even more powerful then Freezer. Big deal.


Cooler is a Movie Only character. But I figured I'd mention him anyways. This guy is Freezer's brother and he comes to earth in movie 5 to take vengence for his brother's and father's deaths, and to see just who these Saiyans are.


Another Movie Only character - but since he's in so damned many movies, he seemed worth mentioning. He's in movies 8, 10, and kind of in 11 (Bio-Brolly). From what I remember, he just plane hated Goku because when he was an infant, and Goku was an infant, they were put next to each other in beds and all Goku ever did was cry... really really loudly. heheh... silly ain't it? Well, Brolly is really powerful, and becomes a bit of a pain in the ass for all the DBZ people during the movies.

Man-Made-Man 16

#16 was Dr. Gelo's last creation before #17 killed him. #16, unlike #17 and #18 was made completly from scratch. 100% artificial human. Also, unlike his counterparts, he had very few destruction tendencies. He was a peace-loving man who loved beautiful things, and nature. However he was also the most powerful of the man-made-men. He was even powerful enough to defeat imperfect Cell, however after Cell absorbed #17 and #18, he was no longer a match for Cell and was nearly destroyed.

Bulma repaired him, but removed a self-destruct funtion that was powerful enough to destroy a huge portion of the planet. During the Cell Games, #16 attempts to destroy perfect Cell using the Self-Destruct Funtion, but is torn apart by Cell instead.

Even though he's in several pieces on the ground, his head (which can still talk - creepy!) manages to get close enough to Gohan to convince him to let loose and destroy Cell.
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Re: Dragon Ball Z Characters

Postby pokéfanz » December 17th, 2006, 10:59 am

Man-Made-Man 17

In the alternate Dragonball Z timeline (Future Trunks's timeline) #17 is a real *******. He's the one who rips off Gohan's arm, and in the end, the one who kills him. However in the normal timeline, he's not quite so evil. He does have a real big ego, and thinks it's impossible for anything to be more powerful then himself - which is his major downfall when it comes to fighting against Cell.

Man-Made-(wo)Man 18

Like #17, in the alternate timeline, she's a real menace and very evil - but not quite so much in the normal timeline. She and the others were created to destroy Goku, so that's their goal. Killing other's isn't nessecary, however they don't exactly hold back when it comes to destroying stuff. Early on Kuririn gets a major crush on #18, which is enhanced even more when she gives him a kiss on his bald little head.

In order for Cell to become Perfect Cell, he has to absorb both #17 and #18. In order to prevent this from happening, Bulma re-creates the self-destruct remote that would destroy #18, but when Kuririn gets the chance to use it, he freezes and ends up smashing it on the ground. She sees him do it, and doesn't understand why he gave up the chance to destroy her.

She ends up being absorbed by Cell, but when the Cell games are all over and cell begins to de-evolve, he spits her out and Kuririn runs in a 'rescues' her. She ends up marrying Kuririn, and since she was originally human (just bio-enhanced) she was able to have a daughter - they name the kid Marron.

Cell (imperfect / perfect)


Dr Gero created #16, #17, and #18, however it was his computer that actually created Cell. In a lab deep beneath his normal lab he had a computer that he had programed with the collected genitic information of Goku, Vegita, Piccolo, Freezer, and King Cold. The computer used all of their cells to create on incredably powerful creature named Cell.

Cell took many years to incubate and grow to full size. When he did (this is in the alternate timeline) it discovered that in order to reach his full potential that he would need to absorb two of Dr Gelo's previous man-made-men. #16 never existed in this timeline but both #17 and #18 did. The only real issue was that Trunks had already destroyed both of them so he had to bo back in time if he wanted to acheive perfection.

He kills Trunks in the future timeline and steals his spaceship to go back in time. In order to fit in the ship he de-generates, and because of this he ends up spending over a year or two in the present timeline before anyone even knows he's there.

After he absorbes both #17 and #18 (he can't absorb #16 because #16 isn't human - all machine) he becomes perfect cell. Believing himself to be the most powerful thing in the entire universe, and looking for a challenge, he begins the Cell Games. He steals into a TV Broadcast station and tells the world that he will be puttin on a tournament for the survival of the world. If no one is able to defeat him in this tournament, he will destroy the entire world.

In the end, Gohan and Cell have a giant Kame Hame Ha battle and Gohan destroys Cell.


This character shows up breifly in Z, and then again in Movie 12. After Goku is killed by Cell he goes to a 'planet' in the afterlife where all these really powerful fighters (all of which are now dead) have been specially choosen to train and test their strengths against each other, in the afterlife. After some bickering between the Kai ohs of the north, south, east and west, they finally decide to have a tournament to determine who's warriors are truely the strongest.

Paikuhan is one of the warriors who Goku ends up fighting against. Goku wins in the end, but it's a cool fight ^_^

Kai Oh Sama

There are actually four Kai Ohs, each one has jurisdiction over a different area of space. This one, is the one who looks after the area of space that Earth is in. He is also the guy who trains Goku after the first time he dies. He teaches Goku the Kai oh ken attacks, and the Genki Dama (Spirit Bomb).

He also ends up training Yamucha, Tenshinhan, Chaozu, and kind of Piccolo, but Piccolo primarily just ignores him.

Kai Oh Shin Sama


The Kai oh of all Kai ohs. This is the all powerful - the guy on top of it all. It sort of works like this. The Kai ohs anser to Dai Kai Oh, and then Dai Kai oh answers to Kai Oh Shin. This guy, unlike the Kai Ohs, doesn't look like a short fat cricket. In fact, he doesn't look to be all that big of a deal until you see how much Piccolo freaks out from seeing him. He and his assistant Kibito show up at the TenkaiIchi Bodukai near the end of Z (just before the Buu saga) looking for the warrior who was powerful enough to defeat Cell (Gohan).

After a while Kai oh Shin ends up taking Gohan to his homeworld (Kibito can do a similar technique to Goku's Instant Transfer) where Kai Oh Shin has Gohan try to pull the Legendary Z Sword from atop this big rock (sound familiar to anyone? ^_^) Kai Oh Shin is also where Goku get's the Potara Earings that are used for the 'permanent' fusion.


He is Kai Oh Shin's personal assistant. He and Kai Oh Shin end up fusing using the Potara Earings.

Dai Kai Oh Shin Sama

You've heard of Kai Ohs, Dai Kai Oh, and Kai Oh Shin. Now here's Dai Kai Oh Shin!! *Oooo! Ahhhh* Actually he's just an old pervert. ^_^ Sort of the almightly goddly version of Roshi if you ask me. This guy appears after Gohan accidentally breaks the Z sword in two. It turns out that the legend about the Z sword releasing all your hidden powers was really just another way of saying - break it open and release the old guy inside it. Then he'll release your hidden potential
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Re: Dragon Ball Z Characters

Postby pokéfanz » December 17th, 2006, 11:04 am

Mr Satan (a.k.a. Hercule in the dub - gag)

Mr Satan, the almightly savior of the earth (yea right). Mr Satan is first introduced at the beginning of the Cell Games. He's the strongest man on Earth (or at least that's what he says) He has been the winner of the tenkai ichi bodukai for the past few years (this is entirely because none of the Z warriors were competing) so he had gotten the title of world champion and threw it around all the time.

He has no knowledge of energy attacks, and when asked about them he calls them 'Tricks'. He's a publicity hog, and he ended up taking the credit for 'saving the world' and 'destroying the evil Cell'.

However, no matter how annoying he is, he still makes great comedy relief, and actually does help out a lot during the Buu Saga (as much as a person hates to admit it, they never could have defeated evil kid buu without him).


Videl is Mr Satan's daughter. And unlike her egotistical father, actually has some real potential for power. Gohan even teaches her how to fly and use energy attacks.

While in Highschool, Videl sort of has a 'part-time job' as a "Champion of Justice". Everytime there is a big crime commited (a bank robbery, a hostage situation, etc.) the police give her a ring and she comes and kicks their butts. However, a new (and quite a bit more powerful) "Champion of Justic" shows up in Satan City called the Great Saiyaman. Videl becomes incredably curious about this guy and ends up finding out that he is in fact the new kid at School - Gohan.

Videl sort of forces Gohan to teach her how to fly, and then makes him promise that he'll compete in the next Tenkai Ichi Bodukai.

In the end, Videl and Gohan become a couple, get married, and have a daughter - Pan.

Bibi Dee

Long ago there was a powerful magician who used his great powers to create Majin Buu. He used Buu to wreak havoc on the universe and destroy countless hundreds of world. He killed all of the Kai Ohs of that time, and all of the other predicessors for the Kai Oh Shin posision except for the Kai Oh Shin who we see in Z. In the end, Bibi Dee puts Buu in a capsule in order to keep him under control while migrating to a different planet. Kai Oh Shin and a few others manage to Kill Bibi Dee before he is able to release Buu again. However, afraid that if they tampered with the capsule that they would release Buu, the choose to leave it alone where it was... which just happened to be Earth.

Babi Dee


This guy is the son of Bibi Dee. He has the ability to 'Charm' a person who has evil in their heart and make them think that they want to serve him in order to do evil things.

He uses a few such evil people in order to gather enough energy to revive his father's creation.

Seeing the opportunity to power-up - Vegita allows Babi Dee to 'Charm' him, however it doesn't work quite the way Babi Dee would like and Vegita retains control of his own will, while still getting the power-up and reaching super saiyan level 2.

Buu eventually kills Babi Dee, tired of taking his orders.


Majin Buu is the creation of Bibi Dee, a powerful magician who existed a long time ago. Since he has the ability to absorb people and thus take on their shape, personality, smarts, and powers, Buu has a few different forms. These are the two most prominent forms.

-Fat Buu

This is the form that you see Buu in when he first makes his appearance in Z. However this is not his original form. This is Buu after having absorbed one of the old Kai Ohs from long ago when Bibi Dee first took him on a rampage.

This Buu loves food, and is very simple minded. His favorite thing to do is to turn masses of people into chocolate and then eat them. However after becoming friends with Mr Satan, the evil part of him splits off and Fat Buu becomes a nice guy. Unfortunetly the Evil half then absorbs fat Buu and he goes onto try and destroy the planet.

By the end of the Buu saga though, Fat Buu is seperated from the other Buu and becomes an individual, who helps people.

-Original Buu (a.k.a Evil Kid Buu)

After Vegita and Goku retreive everyone who was absorbed by Buu, and seperate the Fat Buu from buu, a chain reaction starts and Buu begins to de-evolve. All the former forms of Buu vanish and he returns to the form he was originally created in.

Surprising as it may be, his first form was the most powerful of them all. In this form, he becomes very small and looses the ability to talk. Instead he just sort of screaches... screaches and laughs.
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Re: Dragon Ball Z Characters

Postby pokéfanz » December 17th, 2006, 11:15 am


During the battle against Buu, just before he was finally destroyed, Goku wished that he would be reincarnated as a good guy in the future. Ubuu is that re-incarnation. Goku finds him and fights against him in the last Tenkai Ichi Bodukai of the Z series. Then he leaves with Ubuu to go and train him so that he'd have a fun sparing partner for a while.


This is the Fusion Dance combination of Goten and Trunks.


This is the Potara Earing Fusion of Goku and Vegita.


This is the Fusion Dance combination of Goku and Vegita - this only happens in movie 12.

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Re: Dragon Ball Z Characters

Postby pokéfanz » December 17th, 2006, 11:19 am

All the names you see above are the japanese real names of the Characters.

Ever wonder where their names came from?Bibi dee, babi dee, buu? ring a bell? Still not getting it? Think Disney's old movie - Cinderella. bibi-de, babi-de, bibi-de, babi-de, bibide, babi de buu! *fairy god-mother smaks goku over the head with her magic wand*

Anyways, this is the composition written by my 'Big B' i mean my Big brother. he is into Anime too. He uploaded it to many sites and posted at many Forums. I am Doing the same.

[font=Fantasy]If you wanna Thank me for this Post, Then more to do...........just give me a +Karma :cool: [/font]

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Postby Dark Lord » December 17th, 2006, 3:06 pm

Really good work.
+Credits to Pranz for the TC+[/align]
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Re: Dragon Ball Z Characters

Postby Blaziken75 » December 17th, 2006, 3:15 pm


This is the Fusion Dance combination of Goku and Vegita - this only happens in movie 12.

U r right bout this happening in Movie 12, but thats not the only time it happened, it also happened later in Dragonball GT episode 60(I know cause, I have the episode and I know it)

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Re: Dragon Ball Z Characters

Postby pokéfanz » December 17th, 2006, 6:02 pm

Sorry dude I have not seen a single episode of Dragon Ball GT

And you Dark Lord as youcan see I wrote above that In return of Thanks give me +Karma. Don't just keep posting thanks or Topics will be flooded with just thanks

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Postby mantislovervaibhav2 » December 30th, 2006, 12:40 pm

It's a good thing you have the time to post this much!!
Did you write it all??
The damned TV operators only showed DragonBall Z till where Goku makes sushi out of Racoome of the Ginyu Force. However I played the GBA game Buu's fury and I personally feel that Gogeta (Gojita) looks way better than Vegito. What do you think?
Imagehere is my TC for a while! give me pointers to improve upon it.

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Postby Petey » December 30th, 2006, 1:09 pm
Google is your friend, lol.

.: Copy + Paste Claim = Minus Karma ;p
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Re: Dragon Ball Z Characters

Postby pokéfanz » December 30th, 2006, 2:41 pm

Ankur Goyal= me
Soham Pal= ~*Pearl*~

Ankur Goyal: hi
Soham Pal: hi
Soham Pal: ...?
Ankur Goyal: u gave me - karma
Soham Pal: yea lol
Ankur Goyal: y
Soham Pal: uhh see the dbz topic
Soham Pal: =p
Ankur Goyal: i did
Soham Pal: yea soz
Ankur Goyal: and i already told nish about that
Ankur Goyal: that it was my brother who is the author of that topic
Soham Pal: yea I know nish LOLed
Ankur Goyal: and he had posted it all in many forums
Ankur Goyal: and Sites
Soham Pal: lol
Soham Pal: soz?
Soham Pal: He claimed it as his own
Soham Pal: XD
Soham Pal: It's not his
Soham Pal: That's why
Soham Pal: XD
Ankur Goyal: o.O
Ankur Goyal: y
Ankur Goyal: he wrote all in front of me
Soham Pal: he ... uh didnt
Soham Pal: he just uh...
Soham Pal: copy+pasted
Ankur Goyal: well well
Soham Pal: from a site
Soham Pal: =p
Ankur Goyal: i m saying that he wrote on paper in front of me
Ankur Goyal: and i typed it all on computer
Ankur Goyal: and gave him in floppy
Soham Pal: idk then LOL
Soham Pal: but I found the whole thing written by someone else
Ankur Goyal: nope
Ankur Goyal: may be others copied his stuff from forums
Soham Pal: meh he must've then
Soham Pal: xP
Ankur Goyal: ?
Soham Pal: idk, ask nish to undo if you wanna lol
Ankur Goyal: nope
Ankur Goyal: that's not the matter
Ankur Goyal: it's matter of copyright
Soham Pal: meh Idk, found the whole thin word to eord, written waaay back in 2003
Soham Pal: ;p
Soham Pal: *word
Ankur Goyal: ya
Ankur Goyal: that's because he wrote all that in 2000 or something by then
Ankur Goyal: and it was me who typed all that stuff then
Ankur Goyal: 3-4 days it took

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Postby DP-NiSh » December 30th, 2006, 4:35 pm

It doesn't matter who wrote it, but if you haven't, then please don't take claim of it if you don't wish to give proper credit. And if you have, then good, no need to prove it any further and go offtopic.
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