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Heaven's Curse [U/A]

PostPosted: August 19th, 2010, 8:20 pm
by Hiwatari
This is my first time,so dont expect an epic one.K guys, this is going to be a long one. So I've divided it into 2 parts. Part two will be coming soon !!

Heaven's Curse

Part 1


The Future

An old man bent over his walking stick.His hunched back had a lab coat draped over it. A Suicune stood beside him. The evening sky was black with smoke. Few rays of red light poured onto the ground beneath. A young man in about his 20s stood horrified on the cliff along with the man. " So this was her plan all along ?" He couldn't believe what had become of the world. "So what are you going to do about it ?" an inhuman voice called from behind him " You already revived Lucario, but....". The young man knew whose voice that was. His friend. Lugia. The young man went a bit further and placed the flowers he had brought on the newly-broken gravestone. A few hours ago there used to be a few other gravestones here. But an artillery fire had destroyed them this morning. Below the cliff he could see the Eternal War raging on. Guns crackled on in the distance. The fight between Poke'mon and Humans. The young man didn't know which side he was on. He didn't want to know. The old man coughed " Man , has always been looking at the sky for centuries. Searching for life. Deoxys fueled their hopes. But ever since that day , he wished he was blind." The young man closed his eyes and prayed. When he opened them, he could faintly see Lucario's soul climbing up the heaven's stair. The young man could easily have backed down , but he had made up his mind. " Celebi " he called " let's go clean this mess up". " You haven't changed a bit " said the old man. "Best of luck " Lugia called. Suicune roared. " Goodbye " said the young man , " goodbye everyone. " He knew it was now or never. " I'll be right back" he said with a grin. He looked at the gravestone once again. He could faintly read 'Delia'.................

The Messenger

The Near Future

*Happy background music*

"Wow , Ash. I still can't believe you did it ! " Misty said out. A cool sprong breeze blew on the faces on everyone. " Yah ! Epic " Brock commented half-heartedly, more interested in the other (female) picknickers. " Ash,mylittleboy,you'vemademesopridejustlikeyourfatherhetoopromised to....." Ash's mother droned excitedly." Pika , pika " Pikachu added helpfully. " Hey , Staraptor , stop wrigling " Tracy scribbled on in his notebook. Ash , on the other hand , was on cloud nine. He had , after all earned all the Ishuu badges. "Hohoho" Prof.Oak's voice bellowed as he chatted with the other professors. It was perfect. A picnic on Poke'mon hill in Pallet town with all his buddies. " So " asked May " what now ? " Right now all Ash wanted to do was sit back and relax. But.....


The blue afternoon sky suddenly turned dark red. Ash had seen this before but couldn't recall where. At the top of the hill , he could see a faint glow. A man..about in his twenties. And above him a shiny round floating thing. Celebi ! All the other picnickers suspiciously fell unconcious. " I see I am not to late after all " muttered the man " ah , Ishuu , reminds me of my days ". " Hey who are you ? " shouted Prof. Birch. " So , you must be Ash and his gang. How lovely ! " the man walked towards the group. " Howdy " he shouted. " Don't be surprised to see me, I'm just.." he noticed the puzzled look on their faces , but they weren't looking at him , they were looking at... " Dammit , I really am late " shouted the man. He turned back and he could see it too , in the sky...

The Visitor

" GRAAAAAAH " she shouted , blood tears running from her closed eyes. Her metallic body glinted in the afternoon sun. " Hell, no " the man-in-his-20s muttered. She came. Jenovah. Like a meteor she burned through the sky along with her rock capsule. Ash and his friends stared at the visitor , their eyes blue with Mako. They felt an agitation to fight ,to listen , to be ruled over..."No" Ash shouted, breaking the trance he was in. Good, thought the man , I knew he would be able to resist. The visitor just crashed through the highest cloud , when a flash of green wrapped it up and started to crush it. "Ray..Rayquaza" shouted Ash. All the others broke out of their trances too. One of the pokeballs that the man had started to glow green. Rayquaza , infuriated at the invader of its territory , knew he was growing weaker , but why ? But the man-in-his-20s knew why. Rayquaza was an immortales. In his pokeball , he had the Rayquaza from his time. Two same immortales in the same time dimension at such near distance. Even his special AT-2 prototype pokeball couldn't prevent the inevitable. One of them had to die. But the young man knew what was to be done. " Quickly ", he ordered to his new acquaintances , " With me. " He sprinted over to a large rock and muttered , "Yo soy el señor de las leyendas. Abrir puerta de enlace 233." The rock gave way to reveal a cave. " What the...How did you ..? " Ash shouted. The young man countered by remaining silent. He knew the gravity of the situation. Rayquaza would be soon defeated and the visitor would teleport to the Bell tower to pick a fight with Ho-oh and likewise would go after the living beings with most aura , and they would all lose. " So " Tracy asked, " what's this all about". The young man sighed. He hoped they would believe his story. He glanced at Ash's mother. So good to see her after such a long time. Anyway he began his story....

The Messiah

" Deoxys. The extra-terrestrial pokemon. Ever wondered where it came from ? It comes from a faraway planet system known as the 'Ancients'. Deoxys is a very passionate being. It continously strives to become stronger. To evolve. One in thousand Deoxys evolve every Millenia. It is a killer. It loses all its earlier memory and hunts the universe for worlds to conquer. It is Jenovah. It uses an attack 'Mako' to take control of weaker minds. Typical divide and conquer. It absorbes the aura of every weak mind it kills and becomes stronger. Those picnickers were just knocked out , but they'll die soon enough. Twelve years from this very day , Jenovah will have conquered the whole of the Earth. Only a handful of beings will still remain. Still fighting...the Eternal War. I , with the help of Celebi , and many of the immortales to stop that. To stop Jenovah. Now all of you , especially you , Ash , I need your word that you will help me to stop that monster."
" But what can we do ?" asked Misty.
"Oh you can.." replied the man, with a grin " a lot."

The Plan

" Woohoo, I love this " Ash shouted. " Pika Pika " came the reply. Ash could feel the cold icy wind of Mt. Coronet. Snow hurled behind him as his snowmobile raced to the top. He had been assigned three immortales and to do so , he had received three 'TSB's - Temporary Super Balls from the young man , but he needed only one. Everyone had been assigned immortales - Brock, Misty, Max, May, Dawn, Tracy, all the professors and even the young man. Ash's mother had been assigned to Prof.Oak's lab to take care of Ash's 30 Tauros, who the young man had said might come in handy. It was time to get serious. He looked up ahead. The gateway was getting more visible. Soon the Distortion World would open up, and his first poke'mon would come out. Giratina. Ash reached the top. The view was incredible. He looked above him , he could see faint black circles in the centre. And then suddenly a roar. The young man was right, Giratina could not refuse the invitation of Jenovah. The invitation to fight. Ash took out his TSB and kept it ready. The gateway opened. It was as mesmerising as the last time. How much he wished he could enter that world. To explore that world. To get lost there. To.." Pika. " Pikachu's cry broke Ash's thoughts. He could see Giratina's form arriving. Soon Jenovah would be arriving too. He had to finish his work before that. He took his first TSB, the only one he could use. He could sense the Lake guardians down accepting the young man as their master. He had chosen to go after the most immortales- Mew, Palkia, Suicune, Reshiram..... Anyway, now was his turn, Giratina could clearly be seen. He took a long breath, pressed the button on the TSB and tossed it towards Giratina......

The Revival

Ash was happy. He had received news that all the first missions had gone well. The TSB's worked flawlessly. Of course it did. He was able to capture Giratina without even flinching. But now it was going to be tough. Jack 'Jackie' Walker had dropped him by helicopter to the Tree of Beginning. It was time for his second job. It was time to revive Lucario. He passed through the chambers. The Regi's had already been captured by Walker, but he couldn't find Lucario. Mew had magically flown to the young man, as if knowing he was special. It was just him, and this nostalgic place. He finally reached the inner chambers. Now the real challenge began. He called out Giratina, and asked it to form a dimensional gateway. Giratina did so. Now began the race. Ash and Pikachu entered the gateway. The Distortion World was a different dimension. Different time, different space, different world. But, the chamber was different than Mt.Coronet. He had about 30 minutes before the Distortion world caused the Tree to collapse. He had to do it quickly. He took a deep breath, and, as the gateway closed behind him , he closed his eyes...

The Search

There ! Ash could sense a faint sense of aura. Giratina teleported him there. There ! Now he could see it, in the distance. Two spirits. One about Ash's size and the other..wait ! Two !! Could it be ? Ash ran over to the spirits. " What the.." he said to the bigger spirit, " Youre..Youre !!" " Nice to see you, you must be Ash Ketchum, Lucario here has told me all about you.." the spirit said " my pleasure to meet you, my name is Sir Aaron." Ash couldn't believe it. Sir Aaron !! Great would he..." It would be my pleasure " Sir Aaron said, as if reading Ash's thoughts " I can sense aura even through here. I sensed a dark aura a few minutes ago." Ash was relieved. He replied , " Wow. Really ? Great now we just have to- Wait !! A few minutes ago ?" Then it struck him, time travelled faster here, then that meant.." We have to get out of here right now." " Why, Ash ? what's the matter ?" Lucario asked. Ash didn't answer him. He called for Giratina. In a few moments , they were out of the gateway. Just in time, too. A little late then the Tree would have collapsed. He got up, brushed the dirt of his shirt and called Girtina back. Now for the third poke'mon......Zekrom.

The Ambush

Ash stood alone with Pikachu on the lonely beach. It was evening. Sir Aaron and Lucario had gone to their-temporary HQ at Prof.Oak's lab, and had taken Giratina with them. Now his last objective. He took the magic-bell that Zekrom had given him. Of his many adventures in Ishuu, Zekrom's rescue was the best. Zekrom owed his life to him. Ash took the cover of the bell-case off, and stared into the bright red sea, they were staring at him, calling him, to join him. He stood mesmerised and then took a few steps forward. They were so inviting. He felt he had to listen to them. To be ruled under them. To serve them. To fight for them. To- " Pika !! " Ash broke from his trance. The sea ? red ?? No ! It was..was..Jenovah ! " No !" Ash shouted. The reminiscence of the Distortion world were still with him, and the bells ! He was like a walking packet of aura. Jenovah floated there, her metallic body, shining in the evening sun. She was quite a distance away, but still she seemed so near, so...No ! he had to fight it. He had to resist the Mako ! And then suddenly, Jenovah, lifted her finger. It began to glow red. So beautiful. So.. near ! Ash knew it was some kind of beam attack. He shouted , " Pikachu , run ! " He knew it was too late for him. The red beam shone nearer and nearer , and sudddenly...

The Death

Red. All Ash could see was red. Was he dead ? Perhaps. Perhaps not. Perhaps the beam teleported him to another dimension. Who knew ? All he could see was red. Like lava flowing. Perhaps he really was dead. Would he go to Heaven or to Hell ? Had he done enough good in his life ? Ash closed his eyes, and sighed deeply. He would know soon enough.....

Re: Heaven's Curse [U/A]

PostPosted: August 21st, 2010, 12:41 am
by kaijudo
I just quickly brushed through your story, havent got the time to read it now so thats why, will fully read it
You got potential, not much experience it seems but nevertheless still keep writing, and you should revise your work for any kind of mistakes...emphasis on any, such as full stops or improper grammar usage..I'll just point out one, in the prologue
"unhuman " which is actually supposed to be inhuman

This seems to be a bit of a rushed fan fic though...take your time with fan fics, they take time to write

Re: Heaven's Curse [U/A]

PostPosted: August 21st, 2010, 6:53 am
by Hiwatari
Thx. As i said its my first time !!

Re: Heaven's Curse [U/A]

PostPosted: August 23rd, 2010, 7:01 am
by keshavkd
its really gud!! i finished prolougue.... willl continue readin it!!! it rox... but "pokemon n humans" go hand in hand not wars.... though.... i feel it to b sad.... :D

Re: Heaven's Curse [U/A]

PostPosted: August 23rd, 2010, 12:16 pm
by keshavkd
wow!! completed readin it :D amazin!! but i dint understand the zekrom part.... though....

Re: Heaven's Curse [U/A]

PostPosted: August 23rd, 2010, 12:42 pm
by Hiwatari
Zekrom is the top right poke'mon. Since he his yet to come, imagine sum story where ash saves him, and Zekrom owes him one..

Re: Heaven's Curse [U/A]

PostPosted: August 23rd, 2010, 1:05 pm
by keshavkd
I NO THT!!! i no tht zekrom is the Black Dragon Legend.... But c'mon!! ASH SAVES LEGEND!! :D

Re: Heaven's Curse [U/A]

PostPosted: August 23rd, 2010, 1:07 pm
by Hiwatari
He saved the legendary bird trio, didn't he....

Re: Heaven's Curse [U/A]

PostPosted: August 23rd, 2010, 1:14 pm
by keshavkd
yeah he did!! but zekrom luks evilish dontya think??!!

Re: Heaven's Curse [U/A]

PostPosted: August 23rd, 2010, 2:07 pm
by Hiwatari
dont judge a book by its cover.....

Re: Heaven's Curse [U/A]

PostPosted: August 23rd, 2010, 2:38 pm
by keshavkd
hehehe :)

Re: Heaven's Curse [U/A]

PostPosted: January 19th, 2011, 7:30 am
by keshavkd
Spammer.. :P

Re: Heaven's Curse [U/A]

PostPosted: January 24th, 2011, 6:41 pm
by Hiwatari
the very less awaited second part coming soon...

Re: Heaven's Curse [U/A]

PostPosted: February 9th, 2011, 4:44 pm
by keshavkd
Yes... Very less... :|

Re: Heaven's Curse [U/A]

PostPosted: February 10th, 2011, 9:40 pm
by ganesha27
The story is great, I'm waiting for the next part.