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sms messages...

PostPosted: July 5th, 2006, 10:07 pm
by Queen Rayquaza
alrite these are some of those lame sms's i used t get... anway have fun....
    Terrorists have kidnapped our lecturers... and demanded a ransom of Rs.50,000,000 or else they will burn them with kerosene..................!! Please donate. I have donated 15 litres.
    We will now upgrade your brain, please wait....Searching....searching...still searching....sorry,NO BRAIN found...!
    Conserve toilet paper, use both sides.
    Hardwork never killed anyone... but why take the risk?
    This dog, is dog, a dog, good dog, way dog, to dog, keep dog, an dog, idiot dog, busy dog, for dog, 20 dog, seconds dog! ... Now read without the word dog.
    Jesus saves, he shoots, HE SCORES!!
    Whats the definitoin of suspicion? A nun doing pressups in a cucumber field.
    Why do farts smell? For benefit of the deaf.

PostPosted: July 5th, 2006, 10:42 pm
by DP-NiSh
Ah, good ones... prolly i'll send the first one to some college noobs lol

And please don't post too vulgar jokes... i just edited ur post to clear off one