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Video Game Nightmares

From Wolfenstein 3D to CounterStrike, Atari to the DS, FPS to MMORPGS, go ahead and indulge in all sorts of gaming discussions.

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Video Game Nightmares

Postby Kawaii-Abhi » December 31st, 2009, 9:49 pm

We know we've all had those.
Gruesomely designed characters that give you nightmares....List yours here!
Well.. most FPS games have evil-looking characters so the ones here are not from 'badass' games-I mean the ones that are so action-packed and adrenaline-pumping that you just keep kicking butt without even worrying about them monstas(the weirder, the better). Badass games for me would be games like the Devil May Cry series, One-on one fighters, Diablo series, Prince of Persia, Zombie-killing games,Castlevania, the 2d Zelda games(yup, they ARE badass, don't defy me!)..blah blah you get the drift...

Anyway the List goes...

..ugh..just look at it..can anything be more scary? Ganon is a butt-kickable generic Piggy villain but THIS? It screams like a banshee, is a mask (scared of masks,dunno why, even mime artists,clowns and Goths freak me out), dances weirdly, runs at supersonic speed AND EVEN THE BATTLE STAGE IS A PSYCHEDELIC Claustrophobia inducing BOX!!! thank goodness the Fierce Deity mask was ever made

The main baddie in Little Fighters 2.. I used to play this game a lot when I was a kid and fighting with Julian was hell..I was a n00b and used to play with 7 computer allies (that only multiplied the enemy waves to 8x ) and ugh... the battle was near impossible..Though he looks like the generic bad guy with predictable skull-themed moves..he gave me a lot of nightmares as a kid.yeah he becomes a joke after 2 weeks of playing the same game though...

3.Everything in metroid
nintendo isn't too well-known for scary characters except for this game...I hate aliens(they're the only paranormal things that scare me).. result: everything is a freak..and metroid isn't even badass!(it's more like running through scary corridors again and again)

that's all ...popularly accepted as one of the scariest video game characters..he's even more scary than Super Smash bros. Master hand or the floor/wall masters from Zelda

Why is nintendo so obsessed with him? he should have never been created in the first place!! and he even gets a game of his OWN??? he is a middle-aged man, dressed like a fairy, disowned by his father,unmarried, looks scary, looks like a pedophile, can turn into a ball of dust, inspired by a rupee-headed abomination, looks scary (2), has multicolored brothers(MC), SURVIVED THE FLOODING OF HYRULE!!,floats in a balloon all over Termina, looks scary (3), need I say more?
it is only natural that IGN chose Freshly Pickled Tingle's Rosy rupeeland as the Video game with the most scary cover
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[smilie=dpa493.gif] ←"Oh noes!"
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Re: Video Game Nightmares

Postby Petey » December 31st, 2009, 10:55 pm

ROFL @ Tingle. Nice to see that I wasn't the only one who thinks he looks scary. :P
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Re: Video Game Nightmares

Postby Prongs » February 18th, 2010, 2:52 pm

Majora is scary? wtf?
Julian is though.
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Re: Video Game Nightmares

Postby mantislovervaibhav » August 21st, 2010, 11:47 am

I was never scared of Julian, just pissed at him. LouisEX is a good choice to beat his ass. Dennis is one of my favourites though.
Saw Tingle. Agree with you people.
Phanto is scary, and Abhi-kun I saw something about one-on-ones in your intro and my mind jumped to this guy:
I HATE HIM. (Don't read the link - It spoils the fun.) ... =&gs_rfai=
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Re: Video Game Nightmares

Postby Hiwatari » August 23rd, 2010, 9:26 pm

Final Fantasy 7 - Jenova. Ugh, creepy...

oh, and did i mention bowser ? Come on an evil badass flame-breathing turtle vs an overweight plumber, your choice..
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