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DeSiPokemon Forums 10th Anniversary

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DeSiPokemon Forums 10th Anniversary

Postby DP-NiSh » July 30th, 2015, 5:03 pm

30th July 2005 17:42 - DeSiPokemon Forums was born. It's hard to believe that 10 years have passed since then.

The year was 2005. The Pokemon franchise was merely 2 years old in India. It was still airing the initial seasons of the anime, but gaining immense popularity thanks to merchandise like Tazos. Ever since I got on to broadband Internet in 2004, I had been getting myself acquainted to the anime seasons airing in the rest of the world, namely Japan and the U.S., the music albums and the video games. I realized the need for a localized Indian community for the franchise in 2005 after looking at the online fandom in other countries. And that's when DeSiPokemon was born.

Since then, several generations of members have joined the family, participated in discussions and made some really great friends through the community. The website itself has gone through many revamps while I constantly tried to improve the look and feel and introduce newer features to enrichen the experience. Apart from the forums, we have also released localized Pokemon media, like karaoke-subbed videos and opening themes in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.

While there have been several months of inactivity on the forums throughout the journey, it has always been a fortunate thing that newer members have signed up and revived the place to some extent. I apologize for not having cared much in the past couple of years to maintain or consider improvements on the website. It is but a sad fact that times have changed, and interest in the Pokemon franchise in the country had dwindled over the last few years. Though over the past few months, I have noticed a spike in activity by fans uploading local media content on YouTube, thus bringing a ray of hope for the community to keep moving forward.

On a closing note, I would like to wholeheartedly thank all of you who have contributed your precious time and support to the community. It means a lot to me to see a small community like ours having survived through an entire decade on the Internet. Please do follow us on Facebook and Twitter if you do not already. We might have giveaways and contests in the near future, as well as release some more localized content. Stay in touch!

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Re: DeSiPokemon Forums 10th Anniversary

Postby Victini223 » July 30th, 2015, 5:19 pm

Finally the big day has come. Props to NiSh for maintaining this forum for a decade! This forum is approx. 3,650 days now! :D I am glad to be a contributor of the forum, and I hope it lives for another decade as well. :]
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Re: DeSiPokemon Forums 10th Anniversary

Postby abhinavthegreat » September 12th, 2015, 8:51 pm

The journey here has always been thrilling, with lots of new friends and pokestuff. Dpf is just in hibernation right now. Just let it wake up and you'll see a spark like no other! And thanks a lot Nish for realizing this community. Without it the Pokeindia community is incomplete. And I wouldn't have met awesome ffriends like you,vici, chim ganesha and lots and lots of others!
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