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Pokemon: The Legends of Ease

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Pokemon: The Legends of Ease

Postby Maxedge » November 1st, 2009, 11:31 am

Well as the name suggests the game's gonna be pretty easy..
Its another cheerful day. You just can't contain the excitement of starting your very own adventure with ur poke'mons. You have proven urself to be a helpful, kind and responsible person till now. So you expect something good to start your adventure as you are a strong believer of Karma. :D
You reach Prof. X (Find out the name urself. I didn't decide yet) and find that all the poke'mon kept to give as partners were stolen. He gives you his own poke'mon (since you are responsible and dependable XD ) and asks you to find and capture two poke'mon from the Poke'mon orphanage ( :| ) for you and your rival (Now who must be your rival?)
The story begins (wait it had already begun) with you and Prof.'s poke'mon earlier and then with your own !!
Unravel the evil intentions of the world's most evil mastermind couple who have taken over the various underworld teams of the world (Rocket, Aqua, Magma, Galactic) in their attempt to rule the world by absorbing the power of the only poke'mon that can control time and space.
The previous leaders of Team aqua,magma,rocket,galactic extend their support to you by getting the details of faithful members of their teams and are set free (Yes they were in jail).
Time to save the world this time from a set of goons who try to control and distort time and space.

1. The main legendaries are four instead of one - Celebi and Palkia (initially with the enemies) Giratina and Ho-oH (o_O).
2. All other legendaries can be caught AFTER u finish the League challenge. All means all of Hoen, Kanto, Johto and Sinnoh (did I miss something?) in the secret cave :D
3. I don't know if it is possible but there will be two stories now. Before asking your name (after your gender) you will be asked a (few?) question(s?). Based on them will be decided who are you goin' to be. Means if you are bored of Gyms and leagues now, its time to help people around the world. Though you have to fight in 4 gyms in either case :?
4. Thinking about it now ;)

None yet except me.... and I can do not much yet :P
Need:- Everything :P


Ok so.....comments please....
Last edited by Maxedge on November 6th, 2009, 11:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Pokemon: The Legends of Ease

Postby kaijudo » November 3rd, 2009, 1:53 pm

Hmm, seems like a good hack but what happens when you capture the pokemon for you and your rival. What happens to the pokemon that the Professor gave you? Are you gonna use PKSV? And capturing legendaries in cave, is it going to be random or will they be walking around. If their going to walk around I think I should make a wildbattle script if you need it.
Thanks to Keshavkd........YAY
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Re: Pokemon: The Legends of Ease

Postby Maxedge » November 3rd, 2009, 10:56 pm

BTW currently I use XSE but there's not much difference between XSE and PKSV
I am just learning scripting so its not easy to do it all alone

The Pokemon that Prof. gave me is returned after we catch our own :D
Moreover we have the control as for which Pokemon to give to rival!!
In the cave, we will find them like we find Lugia in Crystal, Mewtwo in yellow.... :P

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