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Mono-Vic Friendship: From The Page Of History

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Mono-Vic Friendship: From The Page Of History

Postby Monfernape » May 9th, 2015, 2:41 pm

On January 10 of 2015, I left Pokemon and this adventure ended very beautifully. Still miss Pokemon so much but totally busy in engineering. Today's Vici's birthday so I would like to display some of our private messages. I hope that it would be awesome to remember some stuff from the past:
When I shared Pokies with Vic:
OMG Chimferno! You didn't needed to do that.. Its a huge amount of pokies :) All that you earned you gave me.. Thank you Chimferno.. Your a true friend.. I will also donate some to you afterwards so you can have some more pokies..

Vic increased my Karma (5 times):
1-Thank you for keeping this forums alive.
2-You deserve it.You simply deserve it. We both have been good friends so 1 karma,CHECK.You have keep the forums alive and helped me to get to the karma list.So because of that,check.Thank you for all of thesupport you gave me
3-Chimferno's Catchy Cup! Welcome to the list of karma with a bang!
4-Thank you for all you did for me.It gives me a pleasure to give you karma :mrgreen: We are now equal at karma with 15 of 'em
5-Yee-Ah! This one is for contributing so much in Wiki. Yee-Ah!

Yee-Ah! You have tied Abhi in Karma list. Yee-Ah!

Vic returned my 500 Pokies:
No problem. You'r my best friend. How can I take pokies from you. I will earn them at my own and we both will be the richest users!

Vic asked me for BW audio:
Vic: BeybladeFan3121 59 minutes ago

Ohok. I'll tell him right away.

DeSiPokemon 16 hours ago

We already have the PAB song. But not B/W.
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BeybladeFan3121 1 day ago

OK fine. Please tell which song.
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DeSiPokemon 1 day ago

Please ask him for me, since you chat a lot already. :)
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BeybladeFan3121 2 weeks ago

OK So did you ask him? The suggested theme songs are:

Pokemon Advanced Battle HINDI

Pokemon Black and White HINDI

Pokemon Advanced Battle is my favorite so I'd love to listen the fancy karaoke of it. If you have asked Chimferno for BW, its also fine
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DeSiPokemon 3 weeks ago

Ah, hello Victini. Alright! =]
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BeybladeFan3121 3 weeks ago

BTW I'm Victini223 from DeSiPokemon. I suggest to ask Chimferno about this. He is master at dubbing :D
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DeSiPokemon 3 weeks ago

Hi, thanks for your appreciation! Sadly we haven't managed to capture a decent audio for the B & W theme. If you can help us with the same, then we can consider subbing it.
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BeybladeFan3121 3 weeks ago

With such a nice quality,I request the team to make this Fancy Karaoke of Pokemon Black and White Hindi theme.

hello Chimfenro. AS you can see in the chat, please help NiSh for a decent audio.
Chimferno wrote:
I have read your message.
Now tell me exactly what do you want?
By the conversation I got that you want BW.
But Here I wanna ask that does Nish want Audio or the Video.
For Audio,I can give him the link.
For video,Donald's video is upto the web.
In the clearcut words can you tell me your demand.

Vic: Just get a audio for NiSh. Do not disturb me now. My thing was to tell you. Now get the audio and give it to NiSh.
Beyblade Mod:
Vic: Hey chim as your a moderator can you make me the leader of Beyblade fourms?

Now There's Some Fighting Time:
Don't Give Me Warning:
Chimferno wrote:
Ganesha Cleared at the top of the Noun game that no one is allowed to make the replies other than game related.Removed it viewtopic.php?f=36&t=2896&p=26411#p26411

Please don't give me warning for that. Removed.

I made his signature:
I told you before that it won't be good.
But here it is:

Sorry But No Socializing:
Monfernape, this is serious. There is no need to add me on google+ and I have said earlier that do not add me on any social networking sites. I have blocked you right now. Don't do this again.
Please don't think that I am rude but I am just 10 and I don't want DPf members adding me on Google+.
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Re: Mono-Vic Friendship: From The Page Of History

Postby Victini223 » May 9th, 2015, 5:14 pm

Seeing all of this just gives me a smile on my face. Looking back at how we talked I feel childish and I think I am a bit more mature now. Thanks mate, you have always been there to wish me. :D
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Re: Mono-Vic Friendship: From The Page Of History

Postby abhinavthegreat » May 29th, 2015, 9:51 pm

you two share a really strong bond of friendship, and I hope it keeps on growing :)
An extremely belated Happy birthday vici,and I hope you are ejoying yourself to the fullest.
By The Way
someone clear my doubt,how did I manage to get to the top of the karma list back then?
chim did all these awesome dubs,wiki editing and magazine designing,
Ganesha did an awesome job moderating the forum,making signatures and the magazine.
And vici,my friend, was the sole reason why this forum was alive back then.
All these super contributors and I get to be the one with the most Karma,why?
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Re: Mono-Vic Friendship: From The Page Of History

Postby Victini223 » June 2nd, 2015, 6:19 pm

Thanks Abhinav.. I don't know ehy you are at the top, but I wish all people can come back together soon and post like crazy.
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